About us
About us

Development Business Associations is one of the main directions of Azerbaijan State's economic reforms. Officially 143 business associations and public unions existed in Azerbaijan, and 28 of them are agricultural associations. Promoting Azerbaijan's economic reforms and developing a Public-Private Partnership are the main objectives of the PSA. Support to Agricultural Associations by the project includes technical assistance, strengthening the production and export capacity of growers, and promoting communication skills. The conducted research has shown that only 4 of 28 associations have their website and others use a Facebook platform for public communication. PSA's idea of construction of a unified website for an agricultural association was firstly supported by USAID Azerbaijan Mission and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic.  The IT company "Vebline" LLC is a service provider of PSA finalized the construction of the website within two months. PSA approved the website design for construction The website contains a special section for each association where they may post information about association activity, latest events, members in regions, and contacts. Besides associations have access to update their own section and respond to comments in the message box.  Maintenance of the website allows associations to broadly cover growers' activities and attract more partners, investors, and customers from Azerbaijan and overseas. Statistical indicators, seasonal prices, and export-related information related to each association may also be disclosed to potential stakeholders.